Today on my walk in the forest, I found the remanence of a morning dove.
There were feathers, entrails and lots of ants.

As I carefully sorted through the remains to claim some feathers for my sacred smudge wands, I was struck by the experience of what had taken place. A beautiful being lost its life, and a hungry one filled its belly. The cycle of life…
I noticed blood on a few of the delicate feathers and immediately dropped them. But then I realized that the blood signified the trauma and suffering that the bird endured as its life was ending and that this was a reminder to me that beauty is born from pain. It feels deeply significant that the experience of that dove (and its physical pain) be revered and acknowledged by having its red, sprinkled feathers included in my next sacred tool (which ultimately will be used for healing purposes).
The Light of the Creator is most strong in the midst of darkness. Darkness (like the moon) has no light of its own. When we shine light into darkness, something is revealed. It’s in that revelation that we come to understand our limitations, our negativity, and our own shadow. It’s through the play of opposites (light and dark) that we find the path back home to our True Selves where our illuminated souls can shine!
Thank you nature for this wonderful teaching and reminder that everything is connected and there is always beauty- even in the darkest moments.
To see some of my sacred feather wands/tools used for spiritual practices, visit: